Un autre pro Ironman positif à l’Ostarine. Les capsules de sel encore responsables?

Le triathlète américain, Lucas Pozzetta n’est probablement pas le plus connu sur le circuit Ironman, il vient récemment de faire les manchettes en dévoilant ses récents problèmes puisqu’il a été controlé positif à l’Ostarine à la suite d’un test lors d’Ironman Lake Placid où il y avait pris la cinquième place.

Contrairement à d’autres, il n’a pas attendu le jugement de la WTC afin d’expliquer son cas. Tout comme Lauren Barnett, après de multiples tests, cela serait encore une fois des capsules de sel qui seraient contaminées à l’Ostarine. 

À nouveau, cette substance est un produit qui est toujours au stade expérimental et qui est ironiquement très facile d’accès. S’il a été développé afin d’aider des cas perdant trop de muscles, pour l’athlète, il permettait avant tout de développer la masse maigre. 

La problématique dans tout cela, c’est qu’il n’y a pas réellement d’intérêt d’ajouter de l’ostarine dans des capsules de sel puisqu’elles sont avant tout utilisées durant une course. L’effet serait trop limité. 

On parle donc effectivement d’une contamination et d’un produit qui n’a rien à faire là. À en croire le témoignage de Pozzetta, on parle pourtant d’une compagnie utilisée par de nombreux champions du monde Ironman et cela est plutôt perturbant. 

Vous pouvez lire son témoignage ici.

2017 has brought me from the most amazing highs to the lowest of the low in my career as a professional triathlete. I have been struggling over the last several months with finding a way to share to my fellow competitors, my family and the triathlon community that after finishing 5th place at Ironman Lake Placid this year I am facing doping allegations. 7 weeks after an I competition drug test I was notified by the WTC of an adverse analytical finding in my A sample. The test showed Positive for an anabolic agent called “Ostarine” a banned substance that I had not ever heard of until that moment. The weeks and months after have revealed much to me about Ostarine and how it is finding it’s way into what you and I would call, clean or safe supplements. You may be asking how I had tested positive? Well after hiring legal consult and sending my supplements in for independent testing I now know where the positive test came from. I cannot say what product because of legal reasons but what I can say is that Ironman world champions have used this product. This is a well known and established company and one of its products was contaminated with an illegal performance enhancing drug. If you are a professional athlete and using a salt supplement to replenish lost electrolytes, STOP! My case has yet to be decided by the WTC but essentially I am facing a ban from racing even though I can prove a supplement I was taking was contaminated. The rules are: Regardless of negligence, fault or intent the athlete is responsible for what is in their bodies. I want to warn as many of my fellow athletes as possible about the very real hazards of sport supplements because it has become apparent to me that there is no real way to ensure what you are using is clean or safe. 

In just the last few weeks the FDA has released warning statements about Ostarine affecting your health and we have seen Lauren Barnett another professional athlete file suite against the supplement company that sold her a supplement contaminated with Ostarine. 

I figured it was time to share with the public the truth about my positive test and last week finally sat down with my coach Colin Cook and Elliot Kawaoka to discuss in detail the terrifying and real truth about failed drug tests and contaminated supplements.

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