Une belle citation… de coach pour athlète qui doute.

« I guess what I’m trying to say is that running [triathlon] is not a straight line of improvement and happy times. It has periods that are dark and troubling. But, and here is the message, you have to live through it. It’s part of the deal. You have to buckle down and do the things you need to do to get through it. Sometimes that means taking a break and starting over. Sometimes that means focusing more on the non-running [triathlon] activities and sometimes it just means keeping on keeping on. Whatever your situation, just hang in there. We have so many great stories about how athletes come back from adversity. You can do it too. »

Cela vient du blog de Coach Paulo Sousa qui cite Coach McMillan.
au passage, je vous invite à lire le blog de Paulo Sousa (coach personnel de Simon Whitfield), je ne suis pas tout à fait d’accord avec tous ses propos mais quelqu’un qui dit que les exercices de CORE ou que le Yoga et les étirements cela ne sert à rien a toute ma sympathie.

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