Il est pas stupide mon coach…

Le Times Record News parle de mon coach parce qu’il vient d’avoir une idée révolutionnaire! Faire des groupes de pacing dans l’une de plus grande course cyclosportive aux États-Unis. Les idées les plus simples sont souvent les meilleures.

The real Tour de France may be over, but a small group of Hotter’N Hell Hundred cyclists will be getting their chance to ride like the pros on this year’s 100-mile course.

Steen Rose, cycling and triathlete coach from Dallas, is part of a group of 10 experienced coaches and racers who will be leading a group of 100 cyclists in the Hotter’N Hell Hundred’s first-ever pace group.

In addition to helping the cyclists complete the 100-mile course in less than 5 hours, the pace group leaders will provide the cyclists with the kind of service that professional cyclists receive from fellow team members, called domestiques because their job is to serve the elite members of the team.

Pour lire la suite c’est ici.

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