Chrissie s’explique

Chrissie sort de sa tanière …

A lire sur Lava Mag

Going back to my decision to withdraw from the World Championships, there are a lot of rumors, accusations, and innuendos. Some are laughable and some just pure libelous. But it’s important for me to put my thoughts out there. I felt really strong coming into the race … the strongest I ever have. I’ve known I’d be racing Rinnie and Julie and the other girls all year. There were last-minute nerves of course, but nothing I couldn’t control. I actually felt a little more at ease this year.

I devote my life to this, we all do. And I wanted more than anything to be on that start line, but I was not prepared to unless I could fight the hardest fight that I possibly could. I was not prepared to go on that line unhealthy and risk putting myself in a hole for the rest of the season. I train myself to try and win, and I want to be in a position to fight for that victory, and I knew that my body was not capable of what I trained it to do. It was an incredibly difficult decision. Any athlete who’s been there knows it, to have sacrificed so much only to have something as simple as a little flu take that away. Ultimately it’s my responsibility as a professional athlete to get myself to the start line healthy, and I didn’t do that on this occasion. It’s still incredibly emotional for me.

3 commentaires
    1. Merci Yannick, super interessant

      Je trouve un peu fascinant qu’au début c’était une légère grippe… et maintenant elle parle de reussir à retrouver la forme… euh? À ce point?

      Faut que retrouve mon livre 17 hours to glory, parce qu’il y a beaucoup de choses qui vont totalement a contre sens avec ce qu’elle dit maintenant…