A regarder sur les ondes de CBC ce samedi PM > ITU de Yokohama

La Coupe du Monde de triathlon ITU WCS de Yokohama sera diffusée sur les ondes de la CBC ce samedi (demain, style).

14h00 – Élite Hommes
16h00 – Élite Femmes

CBC will have 4 hours of Canadian Triathlon on this coming Saturday Sept 24th. From 2-4pm will be the women’s ITU Race from Japan with the return of Vanessa Fernandes and World Champion Helen Jenkins and Canadian Olympian Kathy Tremblay. Immediately after at 4-6pm will be the Men’s race with Simon Whitfield, Kyle Jones, Brent McMahon and Andrew Russell. TV commentating from multiple Ironman Champion Lisa Bentley and Olympic Hall of Fame Coach Barrie Shepley. The men’s show will repeat again at 12:30am on Sunday evening as a repeat show. If your not around the TV this Saturday afternoon why not set your dials in and see some more Simon Whitfield magic!

Si vous êtes trop occupé ce samedi, le site Web de l’ITU vous propose une version condensée de 4 minutes de ces deux course : Hommes | Femmes.

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