Vintage Nike Running and reflections…

At this time, almost 40 canadians runners were breaking 2:40 at the Montreal Marathon. Nowadays, you win with this time. Technology is cool with us but it garantees you nothing. Sometimes, I’m thinking to go vintage… it could be my « occupy marathon » and protest against the rising fee and the fact that our society is not able to do the difference between an elite giving his best against somebody completing a marathon for his health. Because, if runners are slower theses days, it’s just because they lost their mojos.

3 commentaires
    1. Va regarder dans le forum l’article sur les velo de Tri de TOUR QTR. En gros, un cadre en acier aéro a 500$ est aussi rapide qu’un superbike a 5000$ si tu lui met les memes roues (jante large).

      L’ironie du test est que le storck a 12000$ est moins rapide que le cadre en acier parce qu’il n’est pas compatible a des firecrest a cause de son systeme de freins intégrés qui ne permettent pas l’usage de jantes larges!