Blogroll > Madrid WC / Jo Brownlee / Xterra World video

Cette image ne dit pas tout, dans la réalité ce sont deux hommes au destins très différentes. McMahon vient de gagner sa place pour les JOs de Londre. L’autre non. Les deux étaient en lutte pour le fameux troisième spot par nation. Pas la peine de vous dire que Perreira vit des moments très durs en ce moment.

See more great shots from Ognjen Stojanovic.

McMahon et Perreira
McMahon et Perreira

To Know more about the Story of Brent. The Globe and Mail did a great article.

It was daunting after a year and a half off to make up the points I needed to qualify in such a short time, but I had a huge support team that helped me build a plan and we got it doneI had an exact plan coming off the injury… I knew what had to be done and I executed it. I have been studying the mathematics of this thing for 18 months. Everyone has been talking about it, I knew today I needed to beat one guy and I did. It looks like I have secured three spots for Canada.



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