Pendant ce temps… Tim Don fait un ironman intérieur pour Polar / TBB, c’est fini.

Afin de faire honneur à l’un de ses sponsors, Tim Don a accepté de faire un Ironman lors du Salon CES. Pour cela, l’anglais nagera dans la piscine de l’hôtel le Venetian, il prendra alors son vélo pour se diriger vers le salon et complétera le reste des 180km sur un computrainer. Pour finir, il courra sur un tapis roulant en majorité et s’acheminera finalement vers la place centrale.

Tout cet effort est afin de démontrer la puissance de la nouvelle Polar V800 en action. Tim Don en bête de foire? On peut imaginer qu’il sera très bien récompensé pour cet effort et même s’il risque de rester assez inaperçu vu l’immensité de ce salon.

Enfin, rappelle-toi de sa vidéo… Il n’arrête jamais. L’objectif de Tim est faire son ironman en 10h.


Si tu te demandes ce que font en ce moment les athlètes ITU européens… certains font de la boxe (au chaud) ou du ski de fond (au froid – Sven Riederer). Ah!




TeamTBB était une institution. Cette structure dirigée par Brett Sutton permettra a de nouveaux talents d’émerger sur la scène internationale. Chrissie Wellington est probablement leur plus grand succès. Avant de se joindre à TBB, elle ne connaissant absolument rien.

Fin 2013, Brett Sutton avait quitté le navire. TeamTBB était en pleine crise face à un budget de plus en plus précaire. Cervélo, alors partenaire du projet depuis leur début, décidera finalement d’aller voir ailleurs. Ce projet avait débuté en 2006 et avait en vocation principale de former des nouveaux talents.

Thank you to each and every[one] who has been involved with teamTBB since the humble beginnings in December 2006. It’s been an amazing experience for athletes, coaches, sponsors and founders.

We have worked relentlessly and were driven by passion these past 8 years to implement our mission of providing hope and opportunity through sports. I know this goal was achieved year in year out.

This team provided many young people in countries such as Thailand, Philippines, Singapore, Mexico, Netherlands, USA, Brazil, UK, Australia, Belgium, Japan and Germany an opportunity to live their dream, become a full time athlete and be the best they could be.

We have provided more than 100 development athletes a helping hand in the challenging step from amateur athlete to professional athlete.

In the process teamTBB produced some 5 World Champions, 49 Ironman Champions (last teamTBB Ironman Champion was Diana Riesler in Sept 2014 in Malaysia) and 100+ other major race wins around the world.

There are however more good causes in [the] world that are in need of support and resources, to mention just one; orphanages in the North of Thailand. I therefore believe it was only fair to close one door gracefully before opening a new door without spreading time and efforts too thin.

Our team website will be updated over the next few weeks to pay respect and say thank you to the many people and sponsors that have helped teamTBB succeed in its goals for all those years.

I’m grateful for the experiences these past 8 years have provided me to see the passion, commitment and will-power people can produce to fulfil their dreams. It shows when we put our minds to something and really are willing to put in our best effort and hard work, we can create miracles!

I wish all of you who were part of this entire journey a healthy, happy and successful 2015. If we can all focus our own efforts on providing some hope and love to someone in need and those close around us, it will become an amazing year! As written by Victor Hugo in the musical Les Miserables: “To love another person is to see the face of God.”

Wishing you a love filled 2015!

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